Saturday, August 22, 2009

Angry Bees

I woke up at 3am. I was having angry dreams about people stealing from my massive pile of french fries. but that's not important. What woke me up is what was making me have angry dreams. And how do I describe this without sounding like a hater. I'll start by saying that I've been told that if I go to an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian church I will be amazed by the beauty of the ceremony and the singing. I'm looking forward to that experience. In the meantime. . . I am being tortured nightly by the nail-on-chalkboard screeching of the really bad speakers that broadcast the prayers from the church across the way. Last night I woke up at 3am to this ongoing sound.

Imagine an auctioneer on a really bad microphone combined with a massive swarm of angry bees buzzing a centimeter from your ears. This went on and on and on. It was especially bad last night because it was the end of the fast. Which coincidentally is also the start of Ramadan. And on that note, I am used to this, coming from the Middle East, where the call to prayer is broadcast from mosques. But never at an ungodly hour like 3am and its melodious and lasts 2 minutes tops.

Ok, now that I've vented, I'm going go to eat some french fries. I'll revisit this with a new attitude after my visit to a church. By then I'll have a beautiful image to replace the auctioneer and angry bees.


Unknown said...

April, I am up early not because I wanted it this way but I am house/dog sitting. Which also translates into I am not in my own familiar surroundings so sleep nor rest come easy. I feel some of your pain with being awakened in the early wee hours. Either the dogs licking themselves or hanging around my bedroom door hoping I will decide at 4am that I might perhaps give them a doggie snack.

Then the local color pushing grocery carts, dropping sh)) or having a very LOUD conversation at anytime also jars me from my light sleep.

This was the first time I read your blog....I am enjoying how intrepid your adventures are...please don't stop.

Sonya (your major fan)

Deidre said...

Love the blog! I started to tear up while reading. Your description reminds me of the call to prayer in Moroccco - how something so beautiful could be destroyed by a bad pa system. It was Ramadan when I was there, so I had the pleasure of experiencing the very early call on the first day.

The project sounds incredible. I'd love to pick your brain aout how you got involved in it.

Enough of my fawning.

You are truly an inspiration to me.

Safe travels,

NeverLookBack said...

oh i should of warned you--about so many things.
hows the electricity?